Keeper of the Town Short Stories

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Short stories of a small town on the North Shore of the great lake, Superior.

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The decades have polished Don’s view of life to a beautiful sheen. In these stories he presents the wit, the charm, the pathos and the insight he has been blessed with. Take a walk with him down the Avenue and see all this glory wrapped in the package of a small town on the North Shore of the great lake, Lake Superior. Meet the characters from the North Shore’s past and present; to read one of these stories is to become a part of their lives.

“Don Cameron’s short stories and prose pieces are informed by the storyteller’s art. He seems to have come almost directly from the oral tradition, to have avoided, happily, the Freudian symbol-making pitfalls from after Mark Twain to present.

In “The Keeper of the Town” Cameron captures in an extended present scene both a sense of what the town has been and the desperation of the main character, Herman, as he watches it receding before his eyes. His attempts to hold back tomorrow approach the poignancy and sadness of Gatsby’s doomed dream.

“Who is Cooney Martin?”–a short story of the first rank–is a portrait of a mother and son in their tragic need of each other, one with knowledge, one without, of the missing farther the boy calls the Man. The story’s revelation, overtly startling, seems on reflection to have been there from the opening paragraphs and throughout the haunting beauty of the story.

These are all writings of a man who has endured and is looking back, and forward, to let us know what he has learned.

–Joseph Maiolo, Fiction Writer and Professor of English, University of Minnesota, Duluth


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