Death by Corvette
Alphonse “Dave” Davecki is called to an accident involving a classic 1986 Corvette that fell from the Blatnik Highbridge in Superior, Wisconsin.
In this 9th Davecki escapade Detective Dave and his co-workers Pat Stanski and CSI Eunice Lincoln manage to bumble merrily along following the clues while engaging in an abundance of witty repartee.
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Detective Dave’s books, Who Stole the Oulu Rock…and WHY?, Death on the Brule River, The Hermit of the Brule River, and Gold, Greed, and Good Dogs, are available at Julie’s Restaurant in Superior.
Congratulations to the Iron River Pizza Parlor and the Lake Nebagamon Cenex store on becoming the two “Bestsellers” of Dave Davecki books including Death on the Brule River, Gold Greed and Good Dogs, and The Hermit of the Brule River.